Journeying into the Future of Tech at VMware Explore 2023

I'm gearing up for an exciting adventure at VMware Explore 2023 in sunny Barcelona, and I can't wait to share what's in store this week. The event is right around the corner, and I'm getting ready to dive into a world of tech innovation.

As I prepare for the event, I'm already feeling the buzz of anticipation. Meeting familiar faces in the community area is just the start of what promises to be an engaging and exciting week.

But what excites is the lineup of sessions, especially those that explore the collaboration between VMware and Microsoft. These industry giants are poised to reshape the way businesses operate and how users engage with technology.

I'm particularly looking forward to the EUC keynote session. Each year, it's where I gain insights into VMware's efforts to enhance the employee experience in the tech-driven workplace.

I'll be your tech scout on the ground, providing real-time updates through blogs, vlogs, and tech snapshots. I'll capture key statistics and inspiring quotes from the sessions, so you won't miss a beat.

Stay connected with me on Twitter at @biztechmeg and keep an eye on for all the updates and insights.